5 Cyber Threats Your Accounting Firm Faces

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]As an accountant you store and process huge amounts of confidential information, and this makes your business a huge target for hackers.

Accounting firms, (big and small) face daily attacks from hackers and cyber criminals, and many turn a blind eye to cyber security. Most believe they are to small to be targeted by a cyber attack, and if your one of these then i’m sorry to tell you, but your very wrong!

Ask yourself, what would happen to your firm if you suffered a cyber security attack and your clients information was stolen? In the past you may have been able to brush it under the mat, those days are long gone with the introduction of GDPR.

Under GDPR you must report all severe data breaches that may lead to the accidental or unlawful destruction, loss, alteration, unauthorised disclosure of, or access to, personal data to the ICO within 72 hours and inform your clients… Goodbye reputation!

Examples of severe data breaches are:

  • Infection by viruses or malicious software
  • theft or damage of computer equipment
  • attacks by unauthorised outsiders resulting in network penetration
  • unauthorised access (internal or external)
  • unauthorised or accidental disclosure of customer data
  • staff or third party misuse of customer data
  • denial of services attacks
  • customer impersonated fraud (identity theft).

It’s important to remember that no accounting firm is to small to be a target, in fact hackers love smaller firms/companies because they don’t have the higher levels of security that bigger businesses do.

To help you out, we have listed the 5 most common attacks that accounting firms do/may experience:

    1. Phishing Scams – Phishing is a very popular way for hackers to infiltrate an accounting firm. It takes very little effort but can wield huge results.
    2. Ransomware – Ransomware attacks can bring a business to its knees. These easy to execute attacks encrypt all your data and will only allow you access to it if you pay a large sum of money. Failure to pay often results in you being permanently locked out of all your files.
    3. Social Engineering – Social Engineering is the process of manipulating individuals to disclose confidential, or private information which can be used to access your computers, or perform fraudulent actions.
    4. Malware – Malware can be used to obtain remote access to your firm’s computers. It can also be used to steal files, passwords and just about anything its programmed to.
    5. Theft – Theft is a huge cyber security threat. By obtaining/stealing a company’s computer, the attacker can gain access to everything from password to company documents.

Falling victim to any of these attacks will may result in large fines from the ICO, and irreparable damages to your businesses reputation.

To protect your business from these attacks you need to have a robust and reliable cyber security solution in place.

AdvantEdge IT Solutions Ltd provide fully managed cyber security solutions, and IT support to accounting firms across Hampshire. We understand the threats your firm will face and can provide you with a tailored cyber security package.

We will also help your business achieve your cyber essentials certification which proves to your clients, and prospects that your firm takes the necessary steps to protect their data.

You can learn more about cyber essentials here: https://www.cyberessentials.ncsc.gov.uk

To find out more about our managed cyber security solutions, and learn how we can help protect your business, get in touch today:


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1 thought on “5 Cyber Threats Your Accounting Firm Faces”

  1. if you suffered a cyber security attack and your clients information was stolen? In the past you may have been able to brush it under the mat, those days are long gone with the introduction of GDPR.

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